Double Stroke Roll – Fastest Drummer – Doubles Stroke Roll – Crazy Fast

The Video Explains how to play the Double Stroke Roll, which is considered the second drum rudiment. It is played by striking the Drum Head 2 times on each hand. If you perfect this rudiment it is possible to speed up to the speed of a buzzroll.

If you are interested in learning about rudiments; then check out this book.  It is the largest collection of drum rudiments inside of a single book.  It has the basic 40 rudiments; plus an additional 460 “Hybrid” rudiments, which are typically overlooked.  Some are easy and others are extremely hard to play.   Even D. Mark Agostinelli himself has difficulty playing some of the extremely advanced rudiments. 

The Drum Rudiment Bible: 500 Rudiments Beginner to Advanced; Check out “The Drum Rudiment Bible” on Amazon

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