We need Writers and Critics for Books

Are you interested in writing for us?

This website is still kind of young and we are still building it out.  We are looking for people like you to write articles about drums, drum equipment, drum books, drum sheet music, learning the drums, ethnic drums, etc..

If you love drums, and like talking about the subject.  Then we need you!

If you are interested in writing for this website; then feel free to fill out the form below.  Someone will contact you from our team and we will set it all up!  

We will most likely email you, but if you want; put your phone number in the “Your Message” section below, so if we have a hard time getting through to you by email we can call you.  Also, put in the subject line – “I want to write Articles” 

Contact Information


Are you interested in getting an e-mail when new books come out? – Please tell us in the message 

Are you interested in writing for us? – Please tell us in the message 

Are you interested in becoming a critic for our website? – Please tell us in the message